I am sure anyone that works in the school system would like to punch a kid on a daily basis.

Wanting to and actually doing it are entirely two different things.

A principal in Washington DC is on administrative leave after she punched  a 12 year old girl in the face.  Damn!

The Washington Post is reporting that Johnson Middle School Principal Pamela Ransome is facing criminal charges for punching a female student on March 31st of this year.

Apparently the punched student refused to give her cell phone to a teacher.

Principal Ransome allegedly grabbed the student by the arm and pushed her.  Word is she then grabbed the student by the hair.  The 12 year old allegedly grabbed the principals hair right back and that is when the punch went down.

Hmmm.  Two sides to every story for sure, but an adult punching a 12 year old seems extreme.

What do you think?  What if this was your kid?




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