Puppy in Duffel Bag Found in Detroit, Intestines Hanging Out [VIDEO]
3 puppies were recently found stuffed into a duffel bag and abandoned in Detroit. If that isn't sad enough, one of the puppies was found with her intestines hanging out.
When I first saw this story, I immediately just assumed someone had tortured the 10-week old puppy and that's why her intestines were hanging out. Well, I guess it was torture because they left these puppies alone and starving. Because she wasn't treated for parasites at a young age, the parasites were multiplying. According to Fox2, the puppy feels like they have to go potty constantly. So they are pushing and putting pressure on their rectum and eventually, that rectum can prolapse.
Thankfully a Detroiter found the duffel bag full of puppies and called Detroit Dog Rescue. I mean come on, there are plenty of places you can take puppies if you don't want them. I don't think the intersection of Seven Mile and Schoenherr in a freaking duffel bag is the appropriate place, you scumbag loser.
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