What will they think of next?  If you struggle with trying to remove the "strip bar smell" from your skin or your clothes before going home to your girl, worry no more my friend.  Buy that last lap dance, head to the VIP room, because there is a new cologne line that will camouflage that sexy smell, it is called "Alabis". 

Maybe you don't frequent the strip clubs, but you have a girl on the side? No worries there is a scent for you too.  Mavericks, a gentleman's club in South Africa has created many different scents for its line of "Alabis" cologne.  This is no joke, some of the fragrances are "My Car Broke Down", which smells of fuel, burnt rubber and grease.  "I Was Working Late" smells like coffee, wool suits and cigarettes.

I have a scent for these clowns, it's called "Leaving Your Ass", it smells like a punch in the face and a woman taking the house, the kids and the all the money.

According to Metro, the cologne's sell for $37 a bottle. Shane Harrison, who runs the club said, quote:

"Men seem desperate to get their hands on the stuff."

I bet they do! You have to admit, it is pretty creative.






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