
Fantone’s Friday Top 5: Birth Control Options In Order Of Effectiveness
Fantone’s Friday Top 5: Birth Control Options In Order Of Effectiveness
Fantone’s Friday Top 5: Birth Control Options In Order Of Effectiveness
I don't know how birth control got to be such a hot topic recently, but one way or the other, people seem obsessed with child-free sex. With all this baby free banging going on, it's time to face the facts and take a look at what works and what doesn't. Check out my list of the top 5 ways to not get pregnant, and how likely they are to work.
Abstinence Bear Reminds You To Not Have Sex
Abstinence Bear Reminds You To Not Have Sex
Abstinence Bear Reminds You To Not Have Sex
I think encouraging abstinence is probably the most uphill battle of all time.  People want to have sex, and they'd have to be pretty dedicated not to.  It's a good thing that Abstinence Bear is around to remind us to keep it in our pants.