
Woman Attacked By Zebra
Woman Attacked By Zebra
Woman Attacked By Zebra
If I think about a zebra, I don't think Texas.  The girl in this particular video was totally not thinking about a zebra when one stuck its head through a car window and bit her. The girl identified as Megan, according to the Daily Mail, is completely freaked when a zebra at a resort in the Lone Star state grabbed a chip from right out of her hand.  Check it out after the jump.
Animals Acting Like Dicks
Animals Acting Like Dicks
Animals Acting Like Dicks
Animals are lucky, because nobody is going to sue them for being a bully. Animals do what they want, when they want. Or at least the ones in this video do.
Gecko Saves Another Gecko From Snake
Gecko Saves Another Gecko From Snake
Gecko Saves Another Gecko From Snake
Reason #134 Geckos kick ass.  I have always been a reptile fan.  Dogs are cool but snakes, geckos and lizards are so much cooler.  I'm not sure were this is from but this are some big ass geckos.  Don't let the Geico commercials fool you -- these little jerks can be mean little guys.  Check it out, then get rid of the family cat and get something way cooler!
Horse Flips Over Fence
Horse Flips Over Fence
Horse Flips Over Fence
Okay, the first thing that needs to be said about the video is that the horse was fine.  They build horses pretty tough now a day, so don't feel too bad for Mr. Ed.  But you've gotta admit, a horse flip over a fence is well worth watching.  So here's the video.