There's a chill in the air, brandy is slowly edging out rum as the drink of choice, and the skin around our eyes is brutally chapped -- must be Autumn! And you know what that means -- time for some laughs courtesy of perennial favorite Nightmares Fear Factory, a haunted house in Niagara Falls with a hidden camera that takes pictures of people while they're having the crap scared out of them. Hilar
Erebus is one of the best haunts in the world. It has an unbelievable production value to it, and if you've never been there, you're missing out. A channel 7 reporter was doing a story, and freaked out on live TV.
To get you in the “spirit” of Halloween, ‘Good Morning America‘ offered a slideshow of thrill-seekers making a scream-filled trip through the Nightmares Fear Factory in Niagara Falls.