
Hypnotist Gives Group Multiple Orgasms [VIDEO]
Hypnotist Gives Group Multiple Orgasms [VIDEO]
Hypnotist Gives Group Multiple Orgasms [VIDEO]
I love watching a hypnotist comedy show, they are the absolute best. This one really takes the cake as the hypnotist gives a group of people from the audience multiple orgasms. This would be so embarrassing to watch yourself on video in front of an audience, throwing down one massive ooooooo.
Rich Guzzi at The Machine Shop [VIDEO]
Rich Guzzi at The Machine Shop [VIDEO]
Rich Guzzi at The Machine Shop [VIDEO]
Rich Guzzi, comedian and hypnotist visited The Machine Shop on Thursday, 1/20; if you didn't have the chance to catch this live, we captured it on video for you. I was never a skeptic of hypnotism, so of course I had to participate in the fun. I tell you what, it was probably the most relaxed feeling I have ever felt, if you ever get the chance to be hypnotized, I would take it. Check out the hila