
$40 Million Lottery Winner Giving It All Away [VIDEO]
$40 Million Lottery Winner Giving It All Away [VIDEO]
$40 Million Lottery Winner Giving It All Away [VIDEO]
This is beyond kind and strange. Canadian man and former CEO, Thomas Crist won the lottery last year, hitting for $40 million dollars. Crist kept his jackpot a secret until recently, even hiding it from his four children. Now, he is making headlines because he plans on giving all of the money away to charity.
hobo wins 50K, stays homeless
hobo wins 50K, stays homeless
hobo wins 50K, stays homeless
A dude in Illinois who has been homeless for almost 35 years got his chance to move out of his tent and into a real home after winning 50 Gs on a scratch off lottery ticket. But he say's he's not moving, nor is going to keep all of the money.

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