Megan Fox

‘This is 40′ Blooper Reel: Watch Megan Fox Get Hit On and Fondled
‘This is 40′ Blooper Reel: Watch Megan Fox Get Hit On and Fondled
‘This is 40′ Blooper Reel: Watch Megan Fox Get Hit On and Fondled
If there's one thing that can be taken for granted when it comes to a Judd Apatow production, it's that there's going to be a lot of deleted scenes. 'This is 40' is no exception, and now there's a blooper reel, which shows the actors corpsing (show business talk for breaking character by laughing) during takes.
Fantastic Mrs. Fox
Fantastic Mrs. Fox
Fantastic Mrs. Fox
Holy crap!  Megan Fox continues to be extremely hot.  Even after squeezing a baby out of those hips she can still take over the cover of a magazine.  Apparently there is also an interview with her in the issue but to be honest, I don't care what she has to say.  The pictures are just fine.
Megan Fox Wants to Sell You a Butt Massage Chair
Megan Fox Wants to Sell You a Butt Massage Chair
Megan Fox Wants to Sell You a Butt Massage Chair
The Sharper Image has long been the go-to spot for must-have items like electronic tie racks and rechargeable nose hair clippers. Since men are more likely to buy their gadgets, the company signed a new pitchwoman who’ll appeal to their target demo.
Angelina Jolie vs Megan Fox – Who is Hotter?
Angelina Jolie vs Megan Fox – Who is Hotter?
Angelina Jolie vs Megan Fox – Who is Hotter?
Some perv on YouTube put this video together, I applaud him for his efforts. It brings up a very good question, who is hotter, Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie? This is probably one of the world's greatest mysteries. Who do you think is hotter? Vote after the jump.
Megan Fox – Sexy Giorgio Armani Video
Megan Fox – Sexy Giorgio Armani Video
Megan Fox – Sexy Giorgio Armani Video
Now, I've seen sexier videos of Megan Fox but I will take what I can get. Actually, in 2011 it's been pretty quiet on the Megan Fox front especially since getting the Transformers boot. I guess now she's cashing in on these Giorgio Armani spots for men and women.
Megan Fox Turns 25 [PHOTOS]
Megan Fox Turns 25 [PHOTOS]
Megan Fox Turns 25 [PHOTOS]
On Monday Megan Fox turned 25, to celebrate I've lined up a sweet photo gallery to droll over. I still think she is one of the hottest women on the planet, no matter what my wife says about her weird thumb. Did you know she’s a fan of comic books, video games, and supports legalizing pot...