
Dow Opening New Mid-MI Plant
Dow Opening New Mid-MI Plant
Dow Opening New Mid-MI Plant
Looks like more jobs are heading to Mid-Michigan. The Dow Chemical Company announced that it will be moving one of its' plants from North Carolina to its world headquarters in Midland.
Midland Residents Upset With Gun Range Near Homes [VIDEO]
Midland Residents Upset With Gun Range Near Homes [VIDEO]
Midland Residents Upset With Gun Range Near Homes [VIDEO]
A shooting range opened up in Midland and residents in the area are now upset. There are around 60 homes near the gun range and residents are worried about their safety. Jerry Wilson, who has 18 years of law enforcement under his belt, says the range is completely safe.
Ultimate MI Baseball Road Trip
Ultimate MI Baseball Road Trip
Ultimate MI Baseball Road Trip
It wouldn't be a Michigan summer without baseball and road trips. Combine the two and you'll have a memorable summer vacation. Enjoy a week of great baseball this summer while exploring seven stadiums and some great Michigan cities!