North Pole living at its finest can be yours for a hefty price! It's one of those homes that screams Christmas all year long with its whimsical decor and little extras.
In Ireland Santa was doing some rounds of handing out presents to kids, but he was pulled over for not having the proper lights on his sleigh to be on the highway.
Source: <a href=";v=400022321059139">Facebook</a>, <a href="
A few things I should put out here right away,
This article is not for kids.
I don't have kids.
I don't recall how old I was when I found out that Santa Claus was actually my mom and dad. I do remember being bummed out. I was not upset over the fact that old Saint Nick didn't exist - I was more annoyed about all of the time I wasted writing letters to a fake guy, when I could have just as easily