
Youtube goes analog
Youtube goes analog
Youtube goes analog
YouTube unveiled a new feature to help celebrate the 57th anniversary of the first VHS recorder. This is weird cause I was watching VHS videos yesterday (Nostalgia trip), so I kinda feel like I've started a trend, kinda, but not really.
Dumb Robber Busted by Youtube
Dumb Robber Busted by Youtube
Dumb Robber Busted by Youtube
Look up "dumb blonde" in the dictionary and this chick's face will pop up. After bragging on YouTube about stealing a car and robbing a bank, this 19 year old Nebraska girl was arrested.
Best YouTube Videos of 2011
Best YouTube Videos of 2011
Best YouTube Videos of 2011
There are a lot of 'Best of' compilation videos floating around to represent 2011, I think this is truly the best one. This isn't filled with a bunch of injuries or anything like that, more of close calls, big wins, cute animals and some stuff that you'll just have to see for yourself. Check out the dude that does a back flip off a building, it's flippin insane.
Somethings are so awesome you can't make them any better, so you just make them bigger.  Take guns for example.  You can't make them any deadlier so you might as well make them huge.  Check out this video of the biggest guns ever.  These dudes are ready to go dinosaur hunting!