The #FlintFwd Movement Is Something Anyone Can Be A Part Of To Help Our City
I saw a billboard the other day with the hashtag "FlintFwd". I realized I'd seen and heard the phrase a bunch, but had no idea what it was all about. Well I know now, and it's pretty cool.
I typed #FlintFwd in to my Facebook search bar first, and these were the types of things that popped up. It seems that there is no actual "definition" of what this movement means, rather it's just a hashtag that can be used when doing or hosting anything that is in the hopes of moving our community forward.
Then I searched the page to find there is an actual Facebook page, and according to the "about" section of the page:
"FlintFWD is working to shine a light on all things positive in the city of Flint, MI, while bringing you updates on the Flint water crisis.This site and the #FlintFwd Poject have no political affiliation. It is a movement by residents, businesses and those who care about he City of Flint brought to you by residents, businesses and those who care about the City of Flint."
For a while I thought it was a specific group of people, or a club that I just didn't know about, but now I see that all of us can be #FlintFwd. All you have to do is care about Flint and be doing positive things. What are you doing to move the city of Flint in the right direction? Whatever it is, use the hashtag and you can connect with other like minded people.
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