Anyone that has had to deal with an a-hole neighbor knows how frustrating it can be. Especially if you live or have lived in an apartment. I remember living in an apartment complex, having to share the washer and dryer. What a bitch that was! I swear I would get so annoyed waiting for my neighbor(s) to take their dry clothes out of the dryer.

I would eventually take the damn clothes out myself and put them on top of the dryer. Don't tell me I am the only one that has done that.

Apartment people are not the only ones with annoying neighbors. When I moved into my first house I had a neighbor I called "Mr. Big Nipples". Why? Well because he rarely wore a shirt and he would come to my door intoxicated, wanting to know if I wanted to party. I could barely look him in the face, all I saw were his pointy nipples, they stuck out like fingers. You could hang a dress from them. I am NOT kidding.

Howdy Neighbor!

That being said about the "joys" of neighbors, I came across an article in the Daily Mail featuring anonymous notes people have left for their annoying neighbors (to read more of them, click here). I may have left a neighbor a note or two in the past myself. So my question to you is, have you ever dealt with an annoying neighbor? How did you deal with it?

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