Will Michigan shoppers soon see changes at Walmart?

The superstore has revamped the store logo for the first time in 20 years. Sure, change is good, but this particular logo change is so minor, that some people can barely notice it.

What is different about the new Walmart logo?

The letters in Walmart have a new chunky font and the familiar spark is now a bolder shade of yellow. Like I said, minor changes- but updates nonetheless.

According to Fox Business, the 'new' logo was inspired by a trucker hat that Walmart founder, Sam Walton used to wear back in the day.

Walmart U.S. Senior Vice President William White had this to say about the revamped logo,

While the look and feel of our brand is more contemporary, our refreshed brand identity reflects Walmart’s enduring commitment to both Sam’s principles and serving our customers however they need us.

Okay, if you say so.

Logo updates have started at select Walmart locations, and from all accounts, we will eventually see the updated logo at Michigan Walmart stores over time.

Don't blink, or you may miss it.

As you can imagine, people are sharing their reactions to the Walmart rebrand on social media, here is just a sample of what people are saying.

For more on the new Walmart logo, check out the videos below.

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Gallery Credit: TSM Lab

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