11 Awesome Star Wars Kitchen Gifts for the Culinary Jedi in All of Us
Take-out. Fast food. A kitchen Jedi craves not these things.
Christmas is right around the corner and as I'm learning -- it can be tough to find the right gift. That being said, chances are fairly high that you have a Star Wars fan in your life. Thanks to the rampant commercialism of today's society -- you can find a Star Wars product in just about every category. This time we're looking toward the kitchen.
I love cooking food and I love Star Wars, making this one a no-brainer for me. Even if you have a Star Wars fan on your list that hates cooking, some of these gifts work for anyone who even enjoys food -- which is roughly 100% of people. It's almost as universal as people who love Baby Yoda. Unfortunately, Disney doesn't have much Baby Yoda merch ready to go in time for Christmas, so there is an upsetting lack of it on this list. My apologies, but as Han once said:
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Darth Toaster
"No. I am your toaster ... Search your kitchen. You know it to be true."
Lightsaber Chopsticks
"(Don't) Use the Fork, Luke."
Death Star "Herb" 😉😉 Grinder
"I have the high ground."
Lightsaber Salt and Pepper Grinder
"Always two there are. No more, no less."
Darth Vader Pizzasaber
"I am altering the meal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
Stormtrooper Liquor Helmet
"We don't need to see his identification."
Darth Vader BBQ Tongsaber
"I find your lack of steak disturbing."
The (because official Baby Yoda merch isn't ready yet) Porg Coffee Mug
“My disappointment in your performance cannot be overstated.”
Baby Yoda Unofficial Mug
"This is the way."
Star Wars Slow Cooker
"Patience you must have, my young padawan."
R2-D2 and C3PO Spice Shakers
"These are the droids you're looking for."
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