All That Remains Scream ‘F–k Love’ on Brutal New Song
It wasn't even two weeks ago that it was revealed that All That Remains had finished their follow-up album to 2017's Madness. Now the metalcore icons have shared the first new song, "Fuck Love."
"Fuck Love" is a straight-forward brutalizer centered around a beefy pendular rhythm, making it an instant pit-starter when it eventually sees the stage. There's no clean sung moments here and Phil Labonte caps off the closing breakdown with a 10-second spotlight shriek of the title.
"I don't wanna start talking about what the new record sounds like yet. 'Cause we haven't talked about the new record publicly at all, really," Labonte said on Jon's Untitled Podcast earlier this month. "It'll definitely be out next year. It'll be available early part of next year," he said, unsure of the exact release date. The singer reiterated he did not want to discuss the sound of the album, stating that it would "spoil the surprise."
Are All That Remains readying fans for what could be their heaviest album yet? Commenters on the video above have been generally positive of the song's sound, with many expressing their excitement over its overt heaviness.
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