CDC Says to Avoid Trick or Treating, Costume Masks, and Parties

With Halloween a little over a month away, I think we all have the same question? What will Halloween look like this year?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just released some guidelines for those wanting to celebrate Halloween this year. I'll tell you right now, you're more than likely not going to like what they have to say.
Here's what they claim are high-risk activities that should be avoided in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Trick or treating
- Trunk or treating
- Indoor Halloween parties
- Indoor haunted houses
- Hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household
- Drinking alcohol which can cloud your judgement and in increase "risky behaviors"
They also consider wearing a Halloween mask as a moderate risk unless it is made of two or more layers of breathable fabric that covers the mouth and nose and doesn’t leave gaps around the face.
However, they do offer some lame low-risk activities which include:
- Carving or decorating pumpkins with members of your household and displaying them
- Carving or decorating pumpkins outside, at a safe distance, with neighbors or friends
- Decorating your house, apartment, or living space
- Doing a Halloween scavenger hunt where children are given lists of Halloween-themed things to look for while they walk outdoors from house to house admiring Halloween decorations at a distance
- Having a virtual Halloween costume contest
- Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with
- Having a scavenger hunt-style trick-or-treat search with your household members in or around your home rather than going house to house
I understand that we've never had to deal with something like this before and no one knows how to really handle it but "having a virtual Halloween costume contest" is lame as hell.
My kid is now 15 years old and too old to go trick or treating so it's not something that I personally have to deal with. Would I let my son go trick or treating this year if he was younger? I have no freaking idea. Honestly, I'm happy I don't have to make that decision as a parent.
SEE MORE: Seven Things You Should Add to Your Michigan Fall Bucket List
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