Gather around kids, here comes yet another sad pathetic story of my life.  Since everyone on the Banana staff was a bit tired and hungover this morning, we were all in need of food.  Being the upstanding citizen that I am, I decided I would pick up the lunch order for everyone after running my errands on my lunch hour.  Big mistake!


After paying some bills, Maggie called me and told me that they decided on Tropical Smoothie Cafe.  She then placed the order and informed me that the order will promptly be ready at one o'clock and that it is under the name "COX!"  Well played, you bitch!

As I am driving to the Cafe, my mind is racing wondering how many people are going to be in there and how should I approach such a situation.  Upon arrival, I noticed a familiar car in the parking lot...on further inspection, a co-worker in the building had also chosen the fresh cafe style goodness that is Tropical Smoothie Cafe as their lunch choice.  Perfect...we can now add a degree to the awkwardness level of this lunch excursion.

After a brief explanation of the prank, she decided to stick around and watch everything unfold.  Once it was my turn, I approached the counter and with an assertive masculine voice I stated "I am here for a pick-up order and I believe it is under the name Cox."   (I'm not completely sure but I did sense a small feeling of disgust coming from the table consisting of a mother and her 3 small children sitting merely a few feet away)  The young girl behind the counter could tell by the look on my face and the tone in my voice that I had fallen victim of a vicious office prank.  With a slight giggle she replied "I remember that order...I was like 'huh.'"  I can only imagine the confusion she felt because not even people with the real last name of Cox will use that for a pick-up order.

After paying for the food (a bill which has yet to be paid back) I quickly hung my head in shame and exited the Cafe in a manner very similar to running.  Now the moral of the story IS NOT "No good deed goes unpunished."  The real moral of the story is that Maggie Meadows has no Soul!  Thank you!

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