Contractor Screws Over Mundy Township Family [VIDEO]
Home renovations are always difficult. We are happy when they are complete, but getting there can definitely take some time depending on the size of the job. You know what sucks even more? Having a contractor bail on you before the job is complete and AFTER you paid him.
A Mundy Township family claims that is exactly what happened to them. Joe and Heidi Young refinanced their home to have an addition built in order to give their family of five more space. Their family includes Quincy, a special needs child. According to ABC 12 the contractor was so taken with Quincy that he told the Young's he would give them a great deal. The unidentified contractor out of Ohio was paid $35,000 and that is when things went down hill. The contractor reportedly was full of excuses and bad work. After only 9 days of working over a three-month span, this clown left for good. Are you kidding me? Get this - Joe and Heidi then found out he (the contractor) is not even licensed or insured in the state of Michigan. What a creep!
The family is now suing the man. I sincerely hope the Young's get all of their money back and find a legit contractor.