Apparently, Enzo’s Pizzeria is Grand Blanc’s New Lord and Savior
Sometimes the most entertaining battles can be found in comments.
For anyone that is a member of a particular Facebook group in Grand Blanc, you have seen the posts about Enzo's Pizzeria. The posts on this resident's page are entertaining, to say the least.

I have been a member of this group for some time now and it really is a pretty helpful group. Discussions range from job and housing opportunities to food recommendations and everything in between. However, over the last several months, Enzo's Pizzeria has been brought up multiple times.
Now before anyone takes this too seriously, just know that this is just me sitting back and chuckling with everyone else. I really like the pizza at Enzo's, even the pickle pizza which I didn't think should be a thing...until I tried it. Very good!
So here we go. I just noticed that Enzo's is quickly becoming a thing of legend in the area. Just look and a few of these posts and you'll understand.
It started simply with neighbors helping neighbors.
Then a new pizza craze that may or may not have caused a few couples to experience relationship issues.
Then, of course, came the adoration and praise.
And with great power comes great responsibility in times of need.
Finally, in life's battle of good and evil, there is always an agent of chaos. An anarchist.
Someone that just wants to watch the world burn.
It's the little things in life that make it awesome! Have a great weekend and be kind to each other.
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