Experience EXIT 13 Tonight With Banana 101.5 [VIDEO]
Join myself and the Banana crew tonight at Genesee County's largest and scariest haunt, EXIT 13.
I will be broadcasting live from 8:00 pm - 10 pm. New to the haunt this year is 'Buried Alive'. You will be put in an actual coffin and experience what it truly feels like to be buried alive. Can you handle it? Just the thought of it scares me to death.
Every year the staff at EXIT 13 make changes to the haunt, so even if you were there last season, you will be experiencing some new forms of hell tonight. Trust me, you will be running for your life! If you do make it out alive, you have the opportunity to score tickets to Extreme Midget Wrestling at St. Andrews Hall in Detroit on December 3rd.
We will also be selling the Banana 101.5 limited edition 'Real Men Wear Pink' T-shirts for only $20. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. For any donation amount, you can take a photo with Kenzie the vampire tonight too.
EXIT 13 is located on North Saginaw, just of of 475 in Flint. See you tonight!
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