Ridiculous case #457.

This is so stupid.  A woman and her family are suing the New York Correctional Services Department over the term "inmate".

Her brother is a convicted murderer and is currently serving time in prison.

She claims the term "inmate" has weighed heavily on her family.  WTF?

Convict Gerrard Domond claims the term "inmate" makes it sound like he is mating with other men.

The Daily Mail is reporting that Gerrard's sister Marie Domond said the word 'inmate", quote:

"Implies that our brother is locked up for the purpose of mating with other men."

Give me a freakin' break!  That is ridiculous.
Dormond is behind bars for killing a man when a drug deal went wrong.
He is up for parole in May of 2013.
The chances of the family getting any money for this insane lawsuit is slim and none in my opinion.  Especially since Marie (the sister of the inmate) is serving as his lawyer.
Marie also said, quote:

"The suggestive nature of the word is disgraceful. This cruel psychological programming has weighed heavily on our emotional and psychological well-being."

Once again, clear evidence that people will do and say anything for money.

What do you think?

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