Farmers’ Almanac Predicts ‘Frozen & Snowy’ Winter in MI, Duh
It's another big shocker of a prediction from the Famer's Almanac in regards to what we can expect this winter here in Michigan.
According to WZZM, the Farmers' Almanac predicts the upcoming winter will be a "polar coaster," meaning it will be filled with ups and downs on the thermometer. Well hell, I could have told you that. They also claim Michigan will be "frozen and snowy." Again, I could have made the same prediction.
I'm not a big believer in the Farmer's Almanac and their weather predictions because well, they're based off a theory a dude came up with well over 200 years ago. They also claim their formula is locked in a black box in their offices in New Hampshire. Sorry but I'm not buying it.
I'm going to predict this winter will come complete with snow, ice and cold temps. It's just a crazy gut feeling I have...you're welcome.
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