Federal Website to Distribute Rapid COVID Tests Coming Next Week
Next week, a new website will allow Americans to get COVID-19 tests sent directly to their home.
The Biden Administration announced today that a new federal website will be available next week to give out free at-home, rapid COVID-19 tests to Americans. Starting on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, Americans can log on to the site and order the free tests and have them shipped directly to their homes.

What is the website for the free tests?
Starting on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, Americans can log onto COVIDTests.gov to order up to four free tests per household. Once ordered, the tests will be shipped directly to that person's home.
How many at-home, rapid COVID-19 tests are available?
To help aid the public in getting at-home, rapid COVID-19 tests, the Biden Administration is purchasing one billion of the tests. On January 19th, half of those tests will be available for Americans to order free online.
How long will it take to ship the tests to my home?
According to the Biden Administration, once the order has been placed, the tests will typically ship within 7-12 days. All tests shipped in the continental United States will be sent through First-Class Package Service via the United States Postal Service.
The Biden Administration made another announcement this week with regards to COVID-19 tests. Starting on January 15th, private health insurance companies will be required to cover at-home COVID-19 tests for free. The Administration also added an additional 10 million COVID-19 tests available to schools nationwide, each month.
Source: The White House
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