Fishermen Rescued After Getting Lost In Fog On Saginaw Bay
A couple fishermen had to be rescued by authorities last night on Saginaw Bay. The two let shore to go fishing without a compass and then got lost.
Just after 6 p.m. last night, Tuscola County sheriff's received the call about the lost men. The two men, one from Bay City and the other from Essexville, were about one mile out when the fog became too thick and they lost their way.
Authorities found them just before 9 p.m. just at the Coast Guard showed up to help with the search.
Tuscola County Sheriff Glen Skrent stated:
“Leaving shore without a means of direction finding is a recipe for disaster,” he said. “Any smart phone has the capability of a compass app, however, it should not be relied up as smart phones lose battery strength quickly in the cold. A good, old fashioned compass should be taken anytime you ice fish on Saginaw Bay.”
Source: WNEM TV 5
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