Flint’s First Ever Tattoo Convention is Happening This Weekend
The Tattoo City Tattoo Convention is finally here and happening all this weekend at the Dort Financial Event Center.
It'll be three days of pure tattoo awesomeness.

Who will be there?
There will be more than 70 tattoo artists from Michigan and around the country that will be on-site tattooing ink lovers all weekend long.
Come see Flint’s own Kyle Dunbar who was featured on season 3 and season 4 of Ink Master, Cee Jay Jones from season 2, Carl Murray AKA Doctor Blasphemy, and other top-rated artists from across the state and country.
You can get tattooed and pierced on the spot by your favorite artists (must be 18 and over).
What else can you expect?
You can also expect live entertainment from Captain and Maybelle who were featured on America's Got Talent and Wife Swap. There will be a beard and mustache competition, a pinup contest, and lots more.
Of course, Banana 101.5 will be there broadcasting live as well. Chris Monroe will be there from 2-4 pm on Friday. I'll be there with Maggie Meadows on Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.
Where can I get tickets?
This is an all-ages event and tickets are on sale now. You can get weekend passes for $50 or single-day passes for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for $25. Tickets will be available at the Dort Financial Event Center when doors open up on Friday at 2 pm, Saturday at 10 am, and Sunday at 10 am.
Will alcohol be available?
I have one simple answer, yes. You can't have an event like this without having some tasty adult beverages. Tattoos and booze...I'm all about it.
We're really hoping that we can bring this event to tattoo lovers every single year but we can't do it without your support. Come see us this weekend and get some new ink from some of the country's best artists.
You can find more information at tattoocityconvention.com
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