When it comes to opinions, yes everyone has one.

Many people think their beliefs are the only thing that matter and if you don't agree with them, well you could end up cut!

Two men in Georgia had an argument that resulted with one of them being stabbed.  The debate, Fords vs. Chevys.

Wow, sounds deep.

The Calhoun Times is reporting that Zachary Woody and an unidentified man began arguing in a field, where the pair were driving off road vehicles.

The argument turned into a fist fight which resulted with Woody stabbing the unidentified man.

I am not sure if it was the "Ford" or "Chevy" guy that was stabbed.

It does remind me of the "You Know Your A Red Neck When..." jokes or maybe "You Know Your A Dope When You Cut Someone In A Field  Over A Vehicle".

Yeah, that sounds more like it.

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