I don't know if I should make a Charlie Sheen joke, or shed a tear for our future.  But there is a Washington DC student being charged with possession of a controlled substance , after he brought in blow and shared with four fellow grade schoolers.

It's a unbelievable story, but sadly it's true.  A fourth grader brought cocaine into school and shared it with class mates.  Four students at Thomson Elementary School, located in Washington DC, were hospitalized for swallowing and sniffing cocaine.  All four students are doing fine health wise, but one is facing possession of a controlled substance charges.  TheNewAmerican.com ran the original article, quoted

Within the United States, researchers have also found cocaine use to be steadily increasing among adolescents and even preteens. Research also finds that the degradation of the traditional, nuclear family is to blame for this trend — and children whose fathers were incarcerated are more likely to use illicit drugs in adolescence and early adulthood.

Where were the parents you ask?  Probably twacking out lines.  Even if you do coke, how could you leave it somewhere your kids could get to?  And how did a fourth grader know that you snort coke?  Were his parents doing it in front of him?  And honestly, I hope the kid did take if from his parents, because as bad as drug dealers are, I hope they aren't selling to 9 year olds.

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