Gen. Co. Jail Has Had Zero Cases of Coronavirus
Earlier this week the Genesee County Sheriff's Office had a press conference where they announced that since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, not a single inmate in the jail has tested positive for coronavirus. That totally blows me away. I mean, you would think at least a few people would have gotten the illness.
According to Mid-Michigan Now, The jail is currently housing 477 inmates, 16 of which are misdemeanor cases.
Have you been tested yet? It kinda freaks me out a little after watching videos of people getting their nose and throat swabbed. I feel like I probably should just to know for sure that I don't have COVID-19. I highly doubt that I do because I don't have any symptoms and I feel great but you always hear the stories of people having it without having any symptoms.
If you would like to get tested, you can do it for free this weekend if you're a Genesee County resident. According to Mid-Michigan Now, there will be free testing at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church located at G5443 Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48505.
The pop-up site will be open:
- Friday, July 24th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Saturday, July 25th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
You're not required to see your doctor prior to testing, you can just show up.
To make the process a little easier on yourself, you'll want to fill out a registration form before arriving. The registration form can be accessed at www.gchd.us/covid19testing and will also be available on-site.

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