Help Wanted – Professional Pizza Taste Tester [VIDEO]
For you doubters, this is a legit job opportunity.
Ooni Pizza Ovens are looking to hire people to taste pizza. This is a dream job come true! According to the company website, the job description is as follows,
We’re hiring multiple people for a number of Pizza Taste Tester roles – these roles will be a unique mix of recipe development, product testing and brand ambassadorship - pizza, pizza, and more pizza! Maybe you’re a chef, a food stylist, a pizzaiolo, or simply a super passionate home cook. You’ll be helping us develop and test recipes using our awesome wood-fired pizza ovens, as well as testing and providing feedback on new products, plus showcasing Ooni to the world through your social media accounts and at live events.
It gets even better - Ooni is hiring people all over the world. If you would like to apply, create a video explaining why you would be great for this job. Your video must be no longer than one minute in length, and no larger than 20MB. Send your video to You have until October 14, 2018 to submit your video application.
The pay is $100 a day. Good luck, if you apply let me know if you apply and if you make the cut. Or should I say the slice?
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