How Much Do You Have To Make In Michigan To Be Considered Middle Class?
If you are happy with your lifestyle, don't sweat this supposed Michigan middle-class magic number. Sure, we would all like to earn more money - but I have been told there is more to life than money. I am not saying I believe it, I have just been told that.
All kidding aside, there is a pay scale to determine what 'class' you are in. Agree or disagree with the system, it is determined by the U.S. Census Bureau and Pew Research Center. So what is the minimum household amount to be considered middle class? Without further adieu can I get a drum roll please,
According to USA Today, a single adult living alone earning $25,002 annually is considered middle class. For two to four-person families in Michigan, Go Banking Rates provided the following breakdown,
- 2 person family middle-class income range: $41,073.68 to $122,608
- 3 person family middle-class income range: $49,233.61 to $146,966
- 4 person family middle-class income range: $60,088.28 to $179,368
None of the above makes sense to me after I Googled 'What is considered upper class in Michigan?' The answer is according to The Center Square is $115,802. That number is said to be for a Michigan household. Okay - but the middle-class range for a four-person household is $60K to close to $180K. Next time someone says 'The numbers don't lie' I will beg to differ.
Nonetheless, the real question is do you think a single person making $25,002 is actually middle class? Do you think $25,002 is a comfortable living wage for an adult person living on their own?
How about the states around Michigan? I have those middle class numbers too,
- Income needed to be considered middle class in Ohio: $23,946 – $116,113
- Income needed to be considered middle class: $24,027 – $116,507
- Income needed to be considered middle class: $24,894 – $120,710
- Income needed to be considered middle class: $26,384 – $127,934
If any of these numbers are making you feel like you are worth more than you are actually making - ask for a raise. When your boss asks where you are getting your information, be sure to tell him or her - from Maggie Meadows on the Banana. That should help prove your case.
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Gallery Credit: Maitlynn Mossolle
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