There are three groups of people on Earth right now: People who believe the world is ending this Saturday, people who think the world will in in 2012, and those of us who will be laughing at these fools the day after their respective "Judgement Day".

A religious group believes that a great earthquake prophesied by the Bible (which will result in "Judgement Day") is going down this Saturday May 21st. Yes apparently Jeebus is coming back (for the second time) to judge us for our sins. Now I'm not well versed in the Bible but this is utterly ridiculous. Really, the world is gonna end this Saturday...come on people. Let's grow up.

Whether factual or not the Bible has some good ideas and principles on how civilized humans should treat one another. It's when we start taking it's context too literally that things get out of hand and kind of silly. The groups of people that believe these doomsday theories are the ones that confuse me the most. Instead of spending time with their families or taking a vacation, they spend their final days standing in the streets yelling at you for not believing them like a bunch of A-holes. So you wanna believe we're all dead meat this Saturday; that is cool with me, but get out of my face and stop yelling.

I don't pretend to understand this theory fully, I don't think these lunatics do either. Either way I'll let them explain it to you and you can decide for yourself. Is the world ending this weekend?

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