Sweet Mary hell, when will you people learn to keep the cops out of your personal affairs. Unless there is a corpse rotting away in the upstairs apartment, there is really no situation that warrants putting a call into 911, especially when it is to make a drunken complaint about your significant other. This is a lesson one Michigan woman had to learn the hard way.

According to reports, a woman, whose name has not been disclosed, got pissed off at her boyfriend over the weekend and decided to call 911 to have an officer come out to settle the disagreement – this was around 4:30am. However, the woman was so drunk that the emergency dispatcher could not understand a word she was saying, and eventually the call was dropped. But what the caller didn’t anticipate was that the dispatcher was sending the cops out anyway – this is standard protocol.

By the time the driver got home, a police officer was waiting for her in the driveway. The officer noticed that she appeared intoxicated, so just to be thoroug he gave her a field sobriety test, which she failed.

Of course, the story ends with the woman being carted off to jail – not for being drunk, mind you, but for being a freaking idiot. Never call 911 on your significant other unless they are trying to kill you. Even then, you’ll both likely end up going to jail for domestic battery. Pick you battles, kids.

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