Despite being an expert driver, there are situations beyond one's control where accidents become inevitable, no matter how skilled you are behind the wheel.

See Also: The Most Dangerous Day of the Week to Drive in Michigan

Your chances of an accident can increase depending on what Michigan road you choose to travel.

Oddly enough, some roads in the state pose a bigger threat than others.

The company Assurance conducted a study, utilizing National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data, to determine the safest and least safe interstates across the country based on the number of fatal accidents.

What is the Most Dangerous Interstate in Michigan?

The most dangerous road in Michigan is I-94. It's the ninth-longest interstate in the country, running east-west, and is considered the most dangerous interstate in four states: Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and Michigan.

I-94 endures 1.34 fatal crashes in Michigan per 10 miles.


What is the Most Dangerous Interstate in America?

The most dangerous interstate in the United States is I-4, a highway that spans Florida and records a staggering 34 fatal crashes per 100 miles. Connecting Tampa and Orlando, I-4 is recognized as one of the most hazardous highways among Floridians.


The study also ranked the most and least dangerous states to drive through.

California ranked as the most dangerous state to drive through, with Florida coming in a close second.

The least dangerous state to travel through is North Dakota while Michigan came in at  #24.

The 20 Most Dangerous Intersections in Michigan

10 Most Dangerous Cities In Michigan

Gallery Credit: TSM Lab

Top 10 Most Dangerous Places to Drive in the USA

If you get anxious driving in a major city you're not alone. There's a lot of information drivers to take in and respond to, much more than your typical two-lane drive. Let's count down to the United States' most dangerous city to be behind the wheel, as we look at The 10 Most Dangerous Places to Drive in the USA, as compiled by, and ranking each based on:
1. Total number of fatalities from driving
2. The number of fatalities from driving under the influence
3. The number of fatalities from speeding

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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