New Bill Could Have Michigan Exempt From Daylight Saving Time
Every fall and spring in Michigan we take part in daylight saving time... but maybe not for much longer.
On Monday, a new bill that was proposed to Michigan legislature at the State Capitol that could possibly remove daylight saving here in the state.
Manton Township State Representative Michele Hoitenga is sponsoring House Bill 4303 that would keep Michigan on the same time schedule while other states fall back or spring ahead an hour twice a year. The bill also proposes that the entire state of Michigan be on Eastern Standard Time. Currently, parts of the Upper Penesllia are on Central Standard Time.
Hoitenga believes that the time change has been a nuisance to workers and students across Michigan for decades and it is time to put it to an end. Other Michigan lawmakers have previously tried to end daylight saving time to no avail. Ironically, there is a federal bill to ditch daylight saving time, which even the president seems to support.
For a few short days in the fall and spring, I struggle to adjust after the time change, but I'm good after that. Springing forward does give me something to look forward to -- summer, which is right around the corner.
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