Porch Pirate Caught With Over 175 Packages
This time of year it's all about giving and not taking right?
Today there is one less person out there who likes to steal packages off of peoples porches. On Monday an officer for the Milwaukee Police Department was making a random traffic stop and noticed quite a few boxes from Amazon in the back seat of the car. After a little investigating, the officer discovered the guy he pulled over had been stealing packages off porches in the area since Thanksgiving.
Over 175 packages were recovered from the suspect's home with many of the items being children's toys. Thankfully one the home of one party that was victimized by the porch pirate had a camera mounted by the front door. It helped to make sure this douche bag spends the holidays behind bars. Click here for our tips on how to prevent being cleaned out by one of those pesky porch pirates this holiday season.
Source: Fox6now.com
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