Tips To Prevent Delivery Package Theft
With the holiday season fast approaching, a lot of us will be ordering gifts from the internet and have them delivered to our homes. It may be convenient, but there is always the issue of porch pirates stealing your packages. Here are some helpful tips to help prevent package delivery theft for the upcoming holiday season.
1. Enlist a neighbor who you can trust. This is a pretty obvious but very useful system to employ, especially if that neighbor is home for most of the day during delivery times. I'm sure clearing off your neighbor's driveway a time or two this winter will help say thank you.
2. Have your package delivered to your workplace. This is also a great way around waiting to get home to receive your package. If your work will allow this to happen -- this is one of the best ways.
3. Not too many porch pirates want to get caught on camera right? Having a home security camera is a great thing to have but can also be costly. There are some companies out there that sell fake cameras that can be installed and look like the real deal. Obviously, having a fake camera will not record but it might work as a deterrent if a real one isn't in your budget.
4. Sign up delivery alerts. Most major companies who deliver products (eBay, Amazon, etc.) have text message alerts saying when a package has been shipped and delivered. Check under your account settings for this option. UPS and the USPS also have package tracking options.
Hopefully, some of these small tips will help out this holiday season.