So here we go, a new year ahead of us.  By now many people have made resolutions that have already been broken.  Changing your lifestyle overnight will not happen. Damn!

The number one resolution of people I know is to be healthier.  Go to the gym, eat better, blah blah blah.  Those are great goals but truth be told it does not pan out.

If you are like me you want instant results.  When I took guitar lessons I could not believe I did not master the instrument in just a few lessons.  So, I eventually gave up.

I did join a gym a few months ago.  Started off with a bang!  Now, well let's just say I feel like I am giving up on that too.

With that said I do have a few resolutions for 2011:

  1. Go to the  gym
  2. Be a better girlfriend (this includes not drinking tequila).

This is all I can commit to right now.  One goal at a time.

I do have a few predictions for 2011:

  1. Chris Monroe will literally grow a fin out of his back and become the Sharky's mascot.
  2. Tony LaBrie will have another baby.
  3. Fantone will be returned to his mother ship.

Happy New Year!

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