Having aired for over 20 years, Family Guy stands next to the Simpsons and South Park at the pedestal of adult animation. Throughout the show’s 19 seasons, Seth McFarlane and his team of writers have delivered hilarious depictions of rock stars, so we rounded up 10 of those most memorable moments.

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Remember when KISS saved Christmas? In the third season of Family Guy, the show parodied terrible rock movies like KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park, depicting the legendary band rescuing Santa Claus from next of pterodactyls. The ending was a happy one, especially for KISS, whose ridiculous merch was likely delivered to thousands of kids just in time for Christmas morning.

Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain has been depicted in Family Guy numerous times. One scenario saw Cobain’s future if he had quit heroin, telling his fans to say no to drugs before leaving the stage. The butt of the joke was Courtney Love, however, with Family Guy questioning how well-known she’d be today if Kurt was still alive.

Would you watch a show called Vedder Call Saul? Continuing Family Guy’s fascination with grunge, they created a scene where Eddie Vedder called Bob Odenkirk’s classic Saul Goodman character, getting legal advice after crashing his car into a milk truck… to the tune of “Even Flow.”

Watch these 10 Hilarious Rock Star 'Family Guy' Moments in the Loud List below.

10 Hilarious Rock Star 'Family Guy' Moments

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