Scott Weiland Vs. The Bottle [VIDEO]
I don't know if this makes me a bad person but earlier I read a quote from this interview where Stone Temple Pilot Scott Weiland said he planned to fight alcohol the way he fought off drugs, I laughed out loud and thought "by using it heavily". Check out the interview and some videos of him falling off of the wagon (and the stage) right here.
Scott opened up in an interview about his ongoing battle with substance abuse saying:
“I’ve been clean for nine years. There are some people who can go back to drinking, very few, and some people who can’t. It doesn’t mean my relationship with it is a healthy one. It’s an extra obstacle I plan to get rid of. When I joined Velvet Revolver I’d been completely sober all the way, drugs and alcohol, for four years. Then I had marriage problems. My brother died. My mum almost died of cancer. It was too much – I tried to put band-aids wherever the pain was leaking from. Booze is everywhere. I’m a sports fan and all the ads are either car commercials or beer commercials. And it worked originally, but it doesn’t really work.”
It's good that ol' Scotty is trying to get his shit together after years of getting on and falling off of the wagon. Let's take a look back at a couple of his embarrassing on-stage moments in a segment I like to call "Great Moments in Drunk History".
Here's Scott drunkenly admitting to drinking again on STP's last tour before butchering 'Crackerman'
Scott falling off the stage from earlier on that same tour, no wonder the other members canceled the rest of their dates.