Start A New Holiday Tradition This Year, That Does Not Involve Presents
I just laughed out loud as I typed the title of this post. Who am I to tell you to start a new holiday tradition, when I don't even have any traditions? How about we just start a new tradition together? It does not have to be the same exact tradition, just as long as it does not involve presents.

Sure I like presents as much as the next guy, but come on already. Isn't there more to the holiday season than gifts? I guess the easy answer to that question is family and friends. Spending time with family and friends are the best part of the season for me. Here comes the problem with that this year - the damn pandemic. We are not supposed to be getting together in large groups. Aghhhh! So much for making an annual cocktail party my new tradition (maybe next year).
Maybe your new tradition is eating tacos on Christmas Eve, and having Chinese food for Christmas dinner? Maybe you and your family will start a new tradition of making Christmas breakfast together. Plan out the menu as a family, and assign everyone a kitchen job.
It may sound small, but one of the above new traditions, or one you come up with - will be something to look forward to every year. I just realized, I might have already started a new tradition this year - I have a Christmas tree up. For real, this is the first time I have had a Christmas tree in my house in like 15 years.
Truth be told, the only reason I have one up is because my sister Kristen sneaked into my house, and put it up when I was gone. Maybe it's this crazy year, or maybe I am mellowing out, but I love having a tree. Better yet, my sister should make it HER tradition to put up a tree for me every year.
Merry Christmas!
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