
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
Fantastic Five: Best Marvel Wonder Women
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and as some of our earlier episodes have shown, Marvel isn’t afraid to compliment their Distinguished Competition by homaging, or straight up copying, some of DC’s most popular characters. Since her introduction in 1942, Princess Diana, better known as Wonder Woman, has become without question the most well-known and influential superheroine in the world. We already showed you some of the best analogues Marvel made for the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, and now it’s time to round out DC’s Trinity with the Amazing Amazon!
Fantastic Five: Worst Marvel Events
Fantastic Five: Worst Marvel Events
Fantastic Five: Worst Marvel Events
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. Nobody’s perfect, and just because the House of Ideas has been responsible for some of the greatest spectacles in comic history doesn’t mean they haven’t had their fair share of awful moments as well. This week, we point our all seeing eye of judgment at five of the worst offenders.

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