
Crab Is Not Going Down Without A Knife Fight [VIDEO]
Crab Is Not Going Down Without A Knife Fight [VIDEO]
Crab Is Not Going Down Without A Knife Fight [VIDEO]
Christ on a cracker you can find anything on the internet. It is a good thing this incident was recorded, because if someone just told me this story with no visual proof - I would not believe it. Watch as a crab at restaurant in Brazil, appears to be fighting for its life with a knife! Clearly this bitch is nobody's crab cake!
Got Milk?
Got Milk?
Got Milk?
I am familiar with the expression 'tit for tat', but 'tit for calves', not so much. Sabrina Boing Boing, a Brazilian model, recently caused a commotion when she posted pictures of herself on Instagram breastfeeding calves.
Sexy Brazillian Game Show [VIDEOS]
Sexy Brazillian Game Show [VIDEOS]
Sexy Brazillian Game Show [VIDEOS]
While we waste our time in America watching Glee and American Idol, the people of Brazil are using television for what it was invented for.  Hot chicks playing sports in bikinis and bubbles.