Someone give this dad an award for being awesome. Not only was he able to get his 4-year-old into hockey, but he was also awesome enough to put a microphone on him.
This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in awhile. This kid decided to play with a taser and shocked the hell out of himself. Immediately follow that, his mom's reaction was the best. Would you react the same way?
This little guy is a badass! While in a video game store shopping for a new game, a couple masked men walk in and begin to rob them. The first guy goes straight to the counter, the other gathers everyone in the store and puts them on the floor. This little guy though wasn't going quietly. The little tough guy started swinging on the robber.
The world is getting crazier each and every day. This little kid in Florida decided to rob a store. First, he took his mom's gun from her purse, which she is an idiot for keeping it there. Second, he took off on his bike and tried to rob a local grocery store. The clerks quickly over powered him and called the police.
I do not know anyone who does not like bacon. I don't eat meat very often (insert joke here), but I do enjoy turkey bacon from time to time. Watch as this little cutie pie tries bacon for the very first time. Clearly he is hooked. He can thank his parents later in life for his clogged arteries!
Things have changed since I was growing up. If I had done this in my home, I would've gotten the business end of a bible upside the head. This little guy is just being filmed by his parents as he runs around the house. He knocks on each door and then says "Oh, f---." What do his parents do that allowed this kid to see it so much and learn?
The one problem with dressing up as a ghost is that your mom won't let you cut eye holes in the sheet. This little guy went cruising around the corner when dad decided to open the door. Completely unintentional and hilarious at the same time.
There is a lot of yelling and screaming in this one so it's tough to know exactly who is at fault. However, if you ever decide to call someone on their countdown, be ready to take a punch. Also, if you are going to swing on an adult, fight like an adult. Don't start yelling about being a kid.
What the hell is wrong with kids these days. Had I done something like this when I was growing up, I would've had my ass beat. This kid just goes crazy and knocks things off the shelves until final someone stepped in and took him outside to wait for the cops. Where were his parents?