Sparty Has a Beard!
Sparty Has a Beard!
Sparty Has a Beard!
I graduated from Michigan State University and am a big MSU fan, so I was very excited to see them win on Saturday against Michigan. (Although my two best friends went to U of M, so I do have some appreciation for the school.)  While rooting for my school to win, I couldn't help but notice the bearded Sparty on the field. Could it be real: Sparty is sporting a hipster beard?
Banana Picks for the Big Game
Banana Picks for the Big Game
Banana Picks for the Big Game
The big game between Michigan State and U of M is this Saturday and that always brings out the fight in your friends.  Even though most of the Banana staff can't even hold a conversation about sports, I decided to get everyone's input anyway.  Enjoy the game on Saturday and go blue!

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