A teacher in the U.K. is making headlines for cutting off fake eyelashes attached to a  14-year old female student.

Fake eyelashes apparently are not part of the dress code.

My first question is why is a 14 year old wearing fake eyelashes to school anyway?

According to The Sun, Georgie Hill was asked by her teacher to remove the long lashes.  The teen claimed she could not remove them because each lash was glued on individually.  The ticked off teacher then grabbed scissors and cut the damn things off herself!

Needless to say, Georgie's mom Debbie Hill was pretty pissed off about this.

Hill claims she did not know the lashes were against the school dress code.

I do think the teacher was wrong to take scissors to the lashes however, I do find it strange that a girl that young is wearing fake eyelashes.

Also, I have worn fake eyelashes plenty of times, and they are pretty easy to remove.  Ask LaBrie, I have lost several pairs at his house parties.  Maybe I just buy the cheap ones.

What do you think?  Was the teacher out of line? Is the mom wrong for allowing her 14 year old to wear fake eyelashes?

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