Prepare for re-entry! The gross out horror flick that has been the inside joke of the year (for those who could actually stomach watching it) is coming back for seconds. So get ready for another mouthful of poo...and possibly another after that. Even typing that made my stomach turn.

Let me start by saying that I have not watched The Human Centipede: First Sequence. I love stupid / cheesy / unintentionally funny horror films, but the premise of this one alone has me on the sidelines. The reason I haven't watched (and probably won't) THC is the same reason I never watched the 2 girls 1 cup video; because there are some things you can't un-see. For those that are not familiar with the movie it's about a mad scientist that sews three people together, mouth to butt, to share a single digestive system thus creating a "human centipede".

Director Tom Six spilled the beans to Entertainment Weekly about his plans for not only a sequel (which is already in the can, no pun intended) but a third film claiming he will then be finished with Centipede for good. If you thought the first one was bad, brace yourself. Six had this to say about the upcoming films;

"It’s going out after the summer. Part 2, not many people have seen it...They think it’s really crazy. I made this joke about Part 1 being My Little Pony compared to Part 2...I think Part 3 will make Part 2 look like a Disney film."

Gross. Prepare yourself for three times the horror, three times the tension, three times the ass-to-mouth in The Human Centipede 3 in 3d. This movie is gonna be the s#! seriously.

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