For whatever reason, people who shop at Trader Joe's become diehards for life. They love it so much that they almost become obsessed. At least, that is how it looks when they post all over social media about it.

With more than 500 locations throughout the United States, only eight are in Michigan.

Unfortunately, we don't have a Trader Joe's in Genesee County. As a matter of fact, the closest location is Rochester Hills. Sorry, but I'm not driving that far to get my groceries, regardless of their low prices.

It would be nice if we had access to Trader Joe's without having to drive nearly an hour.

How to Get Trader Joe's in Genesee County

Trader Joe's Opens Its First Store In New York City
Getty Images

The company says that they want to hear from you about where to put their next store.

Click on the "Contact Us" section on; that's where you'll find a submission form titled "Request a Trader Joe's in My City." Those who are fired up enough to want Trader Joe's in Genesee County can submit their contact details, along with some comments, expressing why they believe Trader Joe's should consider setting up shop somewhere in the county.

Does that mean it'll actually happen? Of course not. I highly doubt they'll take a serious look at those submissions unless there's an overwhelming number. It's worth taking a shot, though.

The company has stated in the past, that they really do look at the submission forms. However, they also base their decisions on demand, accessibility, visibility, parking, and square footage.

Personally, I would love to see Trader Joe's open up in Grand Blanc. Of course, I'm a little biased since I live there.

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