Which is Better? Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
Now that holiday shopping is in full swing, which have you had better luck with?
The holiday shopping season can be brutal if you are not prepared. However, nowadays, shoppers have so many different options when it comes to getting the items they need before Christmas. From Black Friday shopping in-store to chilling at home on the laptop for Cyber Monday. I'm just curious what works better for you?
For a long time in my life, mainly in my 20's, in-store shopping for the holidays was something I avoided at all costs. Of course, this was back in the day when Black Friday would cause all of the lunatics to camp out and wait in line for hours. I wanted nothing to do with that, which in turn made me a skilled Christmas Eve shopper.
We've all seen the craziness that can happen.
However, once the online shopping options hit the scene, going out to shop in person wasn't as bad. Now, in-store shopping is my preferred method of attack when it comes to the holiday season. My friends and family have a great system worked out and is actually a lot of fun. We all went out on Black Friday last week and I pretty much have all of my Christmas shopping done. I have a couple of things to order, but that is about it. When we were out at the stores, none of them were too busy. We were able to get in and get what we wanted and check out in under 15 minutes at every place.
On the other hand, I know a lot of people that are trying to get everything done today for Cyber Monday. I think my anxiety would go through the roof if I had to hope and pray that all of my items would be here on time.
So, which method do you think is better? Going to the store and bringing your items home or relying on the online option? I'm just curious.